
And what potentially was supposed to be a fun day out with the girls, was soon proving a trying and seriously scary one!
My friends hail from different walks of life, they come from different countries and have different professions; teacher, gym instructor, fashion editor, nurse and housewife all looked at me with tilted heads and bemused expressions. Surely I didn't look that bad? We stopped dead in the middle of the food court and their eyes became somewhat fierce and darkened. 'Now Sam,' said teacher, 'let's be looking at you,' she circled me like a hyena. 'You don't exactly give off the image of a writer do you? I think you need a new bra!' she declared. The others started circling.
'What's my bra got to do with it?' I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. 'You ought to do weight lifting you should!' said gym instructor as she reached out to touch. 'Get off!' I flinched.
Fashion editor pushed her way through, 'Darling, Frumpy is so not you, I think Sam needs to do sophisticated, sophisticated is the new sexy darlings, she needs to look the part of a famous author!' she
'Well, he would say that, wouldn't he?' snapped nurse. She sniffed the air in annoyance. 'This from Matron?' I snapped.
'I'll have you know nurses are supposed to be very sexy and girlish!' squealed nurse. War had been declared between me and nurse; it was only going to get worse from there onwards.
'Come on ladies,' said teacher. 'Let's not argue, we are all here to try and make Sam look better!'
'Fine!' said gym instructor. 'If you feel that way?'
'Fine!' said teacher.
'Fine!' said housewife.
'Well, fine!' said nurse.
'Really?' asked fashion editor.
'Really!!' I snarled.
'Well then fine!' said fashion editor.
'Fine,' I said to fashion editor. 'Fine,' I said to the rest of them and watched as they turned on their heels and walked off.
All my new clothes hung beautifully and out of sight in my wardrobe, (luckily for me, my husband has his own wardrobe) and I felt a little foolish; because although I had dismissed my friends' unhelpful comments, in my wardrobe there hung Sexy, Sophisticated, Girlie and Chic! Never to be seen in public, lest they think they've had an influence and my husband discovers where all the housekeeping had gone! And when we eventually made up (as all good friends do) I put on my old jeans and black top (lest I lose face) and went round in humble form.
The moral of the story of the story.... never let your friends take you shopping, they are not Gok Wang, he would have been far less cruel!