Unbeknown to many people and not much discussed in public circles; is the fragile and indeed risky state of a writer. You see we all think of writers as strong, intellectual types with a vast insight in life that nothing can possibly bother them. Yet we find those strange people are often plagued by a sense of great despair and a tendency to sink deep into depression. Why, you may ask, as those delightful beings literally have the whole world at their fingertips; creating and dictating stories and worlds which dazzle and capture the masses. The answer is quite simple; they being the creators of stories and worlds and characters and morals and myths, leaves them rather vulnerable and open to so many of the elements of human torture, mockery and criticism The fact they are able to create, feel the need to invent, have a burning desire to play peeping Tom in fictional lives, is indication enough of the vast insecurities they themselves feel about themselves!! They are not sure of their own self worth and justification they endeavour to seek it through 'fictional avatars'; for every writer will
have a character in their story which has an element of their real self; you as the reader, have just got to find it. And if you are lucky enough to actually know the writer personally, you will start to see a certain character emerging in all the writer's novels, under the guise of many, many names!
And in spite of what the ordinary reader may think; these writers are so easily destroyed, so vulnerable are they in their insecurities that one can simply pick and pull away at one of their threads and completely unravel them! For as writers, all they have is their carefully constructed image, their persona, their oh so fragile alter ego!

6. One sure way to kill the artistic essence of a writer, is poverty! Yes, yes, the art thing is lovely and very romantic...but even a writer would like to eat from time to time!
7. Asking a writer if they are in the 'right profession' is a sure way to destroy their confidence!
8. If there is nobody to read their books to, a writer will surely perish!

9. Not getting recognition from bookshops, critics, or even locals, is a sure way to make a writer feel invisible!

10. Trying and succeeding to understand your writer will only result in self destruction on the writer's part!!

9. Not getting recognition from bookshops, critics, or even locals, is a sure way to make a writer feel invisible!

10. Trying and succeeding to understand your writer will only result in self destruction on the writer's part!!