Okay people, I feel the need to explain; it's playing on my mind and really and truly my mind is not one for playful thoughts or games of such kinds! Let me explain, although it baffles me somewhat that I actually feel the need to explain; it is not as if I was drugged or abducted by some weird spirit that made me do these things, oh no, I was quite awake and aware and in full control of all my senses! So why am I so surprised and somewhat horrified? I am not making sense am I? Okay, let me step back for a moment and start at the start!
For any of you who know me, you will know that I am a writer; some of you may be familiar with my books and may have formed your own opinions about me. So it will come as no surprise to you when I tell you that I have been invited to talk at the Kilburn Literary Festival, due to take place on October 31st. But what may come as surprise to you (as it has to me) is that I have been asked to talk from the prospective of an EROTIC writer!!!! Yeah you read it right! YIKES!!!!
Now I am not one to shy away, I am not one to hide beneath a rock and let the world pass me by, I am no prude either....but up until now I had never....and I mean NEVER thought of myself as an e...e...erotic writer! I will be the first to to admit that I do not see anything wrong in saucy literature, and I admit, there is a bit of sauciness hidden within the pages of my novels; there is romance, attraction, lust, greed, sex maybe, but never has a whip or bondage been ever used within the relationships of my characters! I classify myself as a contemporary writer as I politely mentioned to my good friend, neighbour and comedy literary agent who is also the organiser or this event. 'But I have always thought of myself as quite tame,' I argued. To which I was met with a thundering cackle and a snort for good measure! 'If that is you tame,' she said, 'I'd hate to be in the same room as you when you are feeling frisky!'
I am shocked, I know that my recent novel was about three families who become enticed by Lucifer and engage in sordid affairs upon the beaches of Marbella! I am aware that the novel before that was about a girl who finds herself trapped in a gang of pimps and has to earn her keep in order to survive! But erotic? Really? Me?
The most saucy I ever become is indulging in a large pizza and watching episodes of Sex and The City! Could it be that I am a closet wildcat and am living in self denial? Am I over explicit in my seemingly contemporary novels? How on earth have I missed that? It was me who was writing!
I asked my friend if there was any other talk I could possibly give, and she simply replied, 'You could come at it that your writing is intelligent, has good story lines and powerful, whilst erotic and enticing! Intelligent erotica!'
All I can say is, you live and learn something new about yourself everyday! I personally had no idea (call me stupid) I just thought I was writing about life, and in life sex does happen! I guess my books are more interesting than the author!
And yes, in case any of you were wondering, I will be giving that talk at the Kilburn Literary Festival, but I will do it in an intelligent way, and I will incorporate erotica within the context of writing and not the other way round! Excuse me while I go and build up some courage!