Wednesday, 29 August 2012




I am in love with him; I have been from the moment I laid eyes on him and he asked me to step into his Tardis!  He is an amazing man; a wise, sensitive, caring, intelligent, extraordinary logical kind of man, he always seems to have an answer for everything.  He is a prince amongst men, he is one of a kind, he is a time  lord who has travelled the width and breadth of the universe.  He shows me the stars, (literally) and rocks my world (in many parallel universes) and yes, with him, I have gone to the moon!  He is youthful (well he is currently youthful) yet he is as old as the hills, and his charisma and charm fill me with unreasonable (if not childish) giddiness, and I find myself putty in his hands!  In short; I'm his to do with as he pleases!  I am his faithful sidekick, his loyal companion, and occasionally (if imagination allows it and husband is not in the room) his one true love!  I am his confidant, his friend, his protector!  I AM MRS DOCTOR WHO!!!

The Deleks, Cybermen, Sontarans, Silurians, Ood, Cybermats, Judoon, Weeping Angels, Ice Worriers and many others, have not been able to beat him; he is far too clever and much too sophisticated to be beaten by such a shoddy lot!  I know, I have fought them all along side him, I have time travelled and landed on mere rocks suspended in space with three moons orbiting and curious life forms!  I have watched as my beloved fought and defeated terrible creatures from far away universes, all the while (always the gentleman) protecting me from harm.  And I was there when he regenerated himself into yet another handsome son of a gun!  Yes, yes, yes my friends, I was there; every step of the way, every breath, every eye blink, I was there...on the edge of my sofa!

Here's what many a writer will not tell you; unless under duress and at gunpoint!  Be they male, or female, every writer's guilty, nerdy, uncool secret is ...yep, Doctor Who!  And why not?  Doctor Who provides the imaginative mind with all the nourishment and sustenance it needs.  A Tardis, that is but a mere police box and yet a whole massive spaceship on the inside!  And what about the whirling twisting motion as he is travelling through time and space?  Worlds, endless, beautiful, colourful worlds with creatures of equal intelligence and beings that lead lives and have societies similar to earth.  Wars, invasions, revelations, sadness, happiness, beauty, ugliness, and all the glory of all life that has ever and could ever exist in a marvellous, endless, limitless universe!  

And yes, it may be a nerdy concept...but then again Einstein was a little nerdy, right?  Imagination often works best when it is not limited to such foolish concepts as 'being cool'.  I challenge any writer who does not secretly like Doctor Who, I challenge any writer who is not glued to their t.v. set and sat at the edge of their sofa when the program is on!  It not only feeds a writer's imagination, it also feeds the writer's soul, it fires up that creative passion and ignites a yearning of time travel in the very depth of the heart!  Doctor Who is imagination gone mad, it is brain cells on Viagra, it is the Elvis Presley of the fiction world!  Sadly though, and here it is, any self respecting, aspiring to be 'taken seriously' writer will deny it is every writer's guilty secret....that and constant binge eating whilst writing at their desks!