Has anyone ever watched a Bollywood movie and noticed that the script is airing a little on the impossible, the crazy and down right nonsensical? Yes, and yet we (those of us lucky enough to have had the experience of sitting through such movies, albeit with subtitles) have found those wacky films too mesmerising to walk away from; the plot was so ridiculous that we simply felt compelled to watch till the end! Which brings me neatly to my point; some of the best movies, some of the best plays, the best books and indeed the best works of art, have been airing on the ridiculous and almost insane ensemble that have kept the curious attention of many! In short, the wilder, madder and more daring the entertainment, the more popular!
SIMPLE; people like the extraordinary, people want to be thrilled, excited, even frightened if needs be. They don't want life, they know life, they know the humdrum of life - they live it every single day of their lives! They want something daring, something that is not likely to happen to them, something that they can only relate to through their imagination and their deep seated, suppressed emotions and slightly, secret warped minds!
I know that when I go out of my way to buy a DVD for the evening, I want something that is not going to resemble the type of life that I already have, because quite frankly, that would be boring. If I wanted to watch my life, I could watch my microwave as my frozen dinner for one spins round and round!
Much the same for books, I want to read about a heroin who is not me, I want to read about people who have more guts than I ever could, defy all odds, break through barriers and do the outrageous without worrying about consequences. In a book, the heroin can fall in love with that drug baron from Havana and help fight his henchmen, who have turned on him, so that he can see the light and go on the straight and narrow! And yes, bullets to the heart can actually strengthen love and people can live happily ever after! And Batman might be real, why can't he? And why shouldn't Superman love Lois? It's not like there are other aliens around!
Just why shouldn't the world get curiouser and curiouser? Why can't Alice go to Wonderland?
You see, as writers we should not be afraid to air on the adventurous, the ridiculous, the crazy imagination that ignites and fuels people's emotions and fills them with excitement!
Your pen is you entire world within the tips of your fingers, don't use it to be safe, use it to be unsafe! Be daring, be naughty, be bad! Be very, very bad! Don't worry about finding your reader; your reader will find you! Just write, use the gift that God gave you, your imagination, and excite and thrill those who dare to read your work! Be different, because at the end of the day, that's what most readers want! The most successful books have been those that are a little different, examples, Harry Potter, The Da Vinci Code, Twilight and need I state the obvious - Alice In Wonderland! All have thrilled and excited people and most importantly fired up the imagination!

free with it. Because every writer has something to say, and it is best said when there are no boundaries to the imagination. Because in the world of imagination, there are no rules, no laws of gravity and no impossibilities, if you can see it, others will!
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