Now over the years which I have endeavoured to write, I have been faced with one reoccurring question; why don't I change my style of writing? To which I always reply, why? Only to be bombarded with reasons such as - my writing is too contemporary, too intense, full of ins and outs, saturated in devious tragedies and twisted story plots! Some find the flavour of my work too intense, others too tragic, but most have is different and gripping and certainly page turning! Finding my work interesting only leaves me baffled as to why friends and family are always suggesting that I should perhaps opt for writing popular fiction! There is nothing wrong with popular fiction; I enjoy it just as much as the next guy! But it is simply not my style of writing....sorry.
Which brings me to my point; why should I be sorry? I am lucky enough to have my own unique style, to see the world in my own unique way and hopefully thought provoke along the way!
You see as a writer, I feel that my job is to write the world as I see it, to indulge the reader in a different direction. Otherwise, what do I, as a new writer, have to bring to the table? Or in other words, think of it this way, if you were going to sell something and you wanted what you were selling to be a unique hit, would you sell the same old, same old, or would you like a brand of your own? Something that is different unique only to your name?
Yes, I know that my style is different, deep, tragic even, but it's my style and nobody else! I want to be heard and in order to be heard I must speak with my own voice! Because (and yes, I have just started a sentence with because, I am the writer) any artist can give into pressure, anyone of us can see what is current out there and imitate. But are we being true to ourselves, our art?
My writing may be deep, may be intense, I may have plots and sub plots coming out of twisted side plots and my heroin might be a little sneaky, slightly crazy, a bit neurotic! But there is method in my madness (read my reviews) because my readers find me interesting. And though they may be a small following at the present time (I have only two novels in publication) they are growing in numbers.

So what do I say to those who have doubted me? Do I change course and start writing romance, horror, thrillers? What do I say to all the publishers, agents and well meaning people who have commented that my writing is good but not mainstream? I say, it's okay, and thanks for your kind consideration, I know I have a brand that is marketable; I just need to create a niche in the market and I'll be fine. Because if you look back in history, all the great artists, famous writers, talented actors, struggled to get to the top because people thought they were slightly different from the norm!
So I embrace the devil in me; I welcome him and let him come through my work, he is fiery, he is devious, he is plotting the biggest of plots. He may be outrageous and slightly off beat, but he is wonderful and creative and makes me who I am!