We are mainly loners, even if we are married and have a family and many friends; all that is fine, in the physical sense, but in our minds, we are one and alone. Engaging completely with our thoughts and views on the world. Most writers if not all, cherish with passion, their 'me' time. They live mainly two lives; one in the real world and one in their own world, made up of how they see and hear things! I would go as far as to say, sometimes genius writers are often tinkering on the brink of insanity, as they are quite often standing with one foot in reality and another in imagination. The fact that they can distinguish between the two and flit from engaging in one to the other, only proves that their insanity is genius!

As confident as we appear about life in our books, life often frightens us and leaves us feeling slightly insecure about ourselves! We write to readdress the balance, to extinguish the fear and put in order and make sense of our world.
To the average person who walks past our desk when we are writing, we may seem confident and sure about our talent and ability to write.

Often our writing experiences feel like we are free falling into the abyss of the unknown and we can but hope for a good outcome!

We suffer from writer's block for at least thirty percent of the time! Yes we do, even those times we have locked ourselves away for days, claiming that we are busy writing!!
And no, it is not that easy to sit and write an entire novel; the obstacles far outweigh the possibilities! There is work, family, children, paying bills, shopping for food, cleaning the house, spending time with your long suffering partner, eating, sleeping, bathing......the list goes one!

And there is plenty, if not heaps and heaps of smouldering self doubt! you question yourself continuously; are you for real or deluded?
And of course, there is the pressing and frankly soul breaking frustration that attaches itself to every writer! Recognition takes years, fame takes longer and making money is a hit or miss situation!
So ask yourself, do you still want to be a writer?? Good Luck!
But I know one thing; I wouldn't want to be doing anything else!
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