The children of Abraham all pride themselves on being the chosen ones! Yet how can we be chosen if all we do is kill the other to make room for ourselves at the gates of heaven? This is not a competition, this is a test of compassion, obedience, faith!
This was not the promise made when first the promise was made!
This was not how it was supposed to be, or how it was intended!
This was not the pact we made, nor the vow that was once said!
This was not the way Abram's children were meant to behave!
Ours was the enlightened path, and the road to our salvation.
Ours was the hand of peace and God's glorious kingdom.
Ours was the veil lifted off the heart and the true revelation.
Ours was forgiveness, compassion and love for all mankind.
The hand of mercy, the smile of compassion upon an orphan's face.
The cry of peace, the tear of joy, the tender beating heart!
The tear wiping hand, the loving gesture, the heartfelt embrace.
The children of Abram, giving freely what their father preached!
Divided into three, one here, one there and one searching for home.
Divided into three, each taking up arms against the other.
Divided into groups and in darkened anger destined to roam.
Divided are the children of Abram, all connected to one source.
Put down your arms brothers and stop destroying your brother!
Put your anger to one side, you come from the same side.
Put your faults into prospective and stop blaming the other!
Put down your arms brothers and read once again your book.
The children of Abram; the children of Abraham!
The sons and daughters, the nations and people.
The soul and heart of all that is meant to be man!
The divided and united in the quest for God's Kingdom!
Put down your arms brothers and rejoice with your brothers!
Let us unite in the love of God, the love of all that is good.
War only takes away our families, our fathers and mothers!
Put down your arms, and read your books, and Merry Christmas!