They asked me of my childhood, and I said that mine was a troubled one, a distant memory of fears and insecurities. Mine was the child who sat in a corner, sullen and quiet, watching as the world walked past. Mine was the hiding under the covers on a dark winter's night; dreading the darkness and the coming of dawn even more! Mine was the kid who ran home from school to the shelter of my room. Mine was the listening to the voices in the next room, and not daring to sleep in case I stopped hearing them. Mine was of imaginary friends who danced around me, spoke to me and gave me reason. Mine was the child who lived on dreams because the world was too difficult to figure out.
They asked me of my youth, and I said that mine was a youth of folly and wasted times. Mine was the teenager who pretended to the world, who put up a front just so that no one would hurt her. Mine was the kid who smiled at boys, fluttered eyelashes and pouted lips. Mine was the girl who couldn't believe in happy endings; they never happened in the life she knew. Mine was the girl who acted tough, gave it attitude and smoked like a chimney. Mine was the lass who could not see past her fears and hid behind them under the guise of anger. Mine was the girl who could not believe in love and lost a lot of love, and regretted much love.

They asked me of my regrets, and I said mine are no regrets. I would have had regrets if I had not been that timid child; the child that ran home from school and hid under the covers, listening to my imaginary friends as they drowned out the sounds of the row in the next room. I would have had regrets if I was a dopey teenager; if I was meek and not as feisty as what I was. If I did not flutter my eyelashes, or pout those lips of mine! I would have had regrets if I had never feared; if the thoughts in my head did not frighten me or the image of myself did not scare me. I would have had regrets if my eyes were always clear and no memory of past ghosts ever bothered me. I would have had regrets simply because I would never have learned how not to make the same mistakes with my own children!