Friday 3 May 2013



Satan is out to make trouble amongst mankind and is creating havoc in his wake!  
He is an evil creature who hates all of Adam's children and deems them useless and easily tempted into corruption!  But despite his evil self, he is rather fickle, mischievous and insecure, if not humorous sort of chap!  
He blames lack of religion for many of his hardships; for since atheism has gone on the increase, he does not seem to get the respect he was once used to!    People put disasters down to coincidence rather than attribute them to him.  Horror films, computer games, film producers, fiction writers and the likes of them have all made a mockery out of him and nobody seems to take him seriously. 

In the days of old; his name was feared, his picture abhorred and he was frequently mentioned amongst people and in religious establishments.  In this modern age, he feels emptiness that is an epidemic of modern day living!

It is a holiday in Marbella that The Devil takes delight in ruining for three families; Michael Cook, his wife Sharon, daughter Sophie and sister in-law, Tracy.

Jerome Cook, (Michael's brother) his wife Lucy and their two young children, Poppy and Peter.

And Senor Rafael Fernandez, his beautiful wife and selfish son Maximaliano!

Here Lucifer whispers and entices them to lie, cheat and indulge in deeds which will surely change their lives as they know it!

Told in a humorous style, this story typifies man's fragile ego and his desire for pleasures.  As Satan mostly uses truths to ignite anger and jealousy in the hearts of people, he is able to play on their weaknesses and desires.  He is tickled by how easily he can rile man up and get him to do exactly what he wants! 
Delighting in man's clumsiness, excited by man's deception, charged by man's sexual energies, he thrives on corrupting the three families, swapping them amongst each other and watching as the foundations of their marriage breaks apart.



  1. cannot not absolutely wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. got me excited now! thanks, I can't wait either!!

  3. Hi Sammar, I read your first book after seeing you at a book signing and can't wait for this to come out, hope you are not going to keep us waiting too long!

    1. Hi Antonia, thank you so much for your kind comments and I am so happy you have joined my blog! I am told that it is out on 31 May, so all going well, we should be able to get wind of it over the next few weeks! I would really love and appreciate your comments on my next book, so once you have read it, please leave a post for me on the blog!
