Odd, but once again I find myself in an awkward situation of being rendered speechless! And I am not normally a person to be rendered speechless; in fact if anyone has too much to say it is usually me. So what has rendered me so, I hear you ask. What could have possibly left this delightful woman of good sense of humour and witty outlook, so lost for words? I'll tell you!
On meeting up with a dear and old friend of mine, I was delighted to learn that she has read my book. 'Oh Sam,' she said, 'I've just finished your book, I really enjoyed it!'
'Thank you,' I grinned shyly as I felt my chest inflate with sheer pride. She looked at me fondly, before quickly looking to her left and right, to make sure no one was listening, and then she whispered 'I didn't know you were know, modern like!' My heart sank,and not because of what she said, but it was because of the way she was saying it. She was insinuating that I had secretly written my own life story into my novel, or that I was as murderess, as wild, as much of a seductress as my heroin!!
I tried to explain, by laughing it off, and stuttering a few words to the opposite effect, but, true to most writers, I say it better on paper! So I ended up making a right mug of myself! Which of course left her with the upper hand and she walked away with a smug look on her face as if to say I know what you're really like!
This was not the first time this has happened. Whilst people who read my work tend to really like it and most are so pleasantly surprised, they can't wait for the next one. Whilst most of the normal population realise that it is entirely a work of fiction and that writers tend to provide spicy, entertaining work to get people out of their hum-drum lives. It is called using the imagination! Some come away with the idea that I am writing from pure experience. I remember a nice lady I casually knew, had come along to a book signing, she brought her husband along to introduce him to her writer friend, me. A few weeks later she quietly walked up to me with a solemn look on her face, looked me straight in the eye and said 'I really didn't realise you were THAT modern!' she said, before she walked off in the other direction! I don't even write smutty! What was my story about? A young girl who finds herself in pimp gang and uses her intellect to get out of it!
Let me set the record straight! Hey guys, it is only fiction, you know, the stuff that writers write? And if you feel disillusioned because I look like an ordinary woman - well let me tell you that I am! I just make up things and write stories.....
I am no hot sexy stripper...No, I'm not!! It is a fictional character, a make - belief scenario which makes my story a little interesting!
I do NOT murder people! And even if I actually did, I'd be really stupid to write about it!
I ain't no psycho! Well, some would argue, but no doctor has confirmed it yet.
Yeah, right! Like romance is really always like that! What with four kids, a cat and writing all the time! Not to mention cooking, cleaning and shopping!!
I ain't no DIVA! I'm more of a mummy, get the picture?
No, I'm not EVIL either! And just for the record, I never did bury anyone in the back garden!! I am not a cult follower, I know not magic, I have never tortured, maimed, abused or taunted anyone! Although my poor husband may have other opinions!
As a wise cat once said.......
So, next time you think you know me because you've read me, please consider what you are reading; have a look in the front of the book, you know where it claims copyright, I'm sure you'll find it says fiction!
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